We'll find the
product-market fit
for your idea and your first 1000 clients on the US and European markets
WeInvest - is a Next Generation Venture Builder, we invest in startups at super early stages with product ideas that are in demand in global markets. We test ideas with automated tools at no cost and very quick - in just 4 steps.
WeInvest - is a Next Generation Venture Builder, we invest in startups at super early stages with product ideas that are in demand in global markets. We test ideas with automated tools at no cost and very quickly - in just 4 steps.
4-step idea verification process
step 1
It doesn't matter if your product is just a draw on a napkin. All you need is just a market insight. We will identify your customer and test the demand in different regions. Whether they like it or not from suburb middle class of New York or outskirt farmer in France.
step 2
We'll develop a Minimum Viable Product really quick: the app and a couple of landing pages and launch it into your audience. The magic happens when we see a strong pattern from your customer.
step 3
The identified and tested patterns, habits and expectations of your future customers will give you the opportunity to make the first sales and estimate the market, understand the price, demand and how we can scale your product.
step 4
To make a final decision about investing in your project, we evaluate a startup on three points: the potential of the product market fit, the relevance and uniqueness of the product and the startup as a whole.
While testing the idea
Launching the first sales
What we value when We Invest
In the course of our work, we identify the strengths and weaknesses of the startup and its product. We assess how much we can strengthen our investors and experts with resources.
The product should be in demand "here and now" in Europe and North America. If a sufficiently wide audience has been identified, then we are in business.
We look not only at the product, but also at the founder, his unique view of problems, past experience, features and desire to do something in a new way.
Why it's free
Because it's honest. We are looking for products with high potential and we want to make money by investing in them, which means we have to participate in their development. By helping the founder and understanding his product more, we can more accurately assess the startup's capabilities and its potential.
We Invest
Providing super early startups with cache, resources and experts is part of our investment. We take risks together with the founders.
We automate a lot of processes and reduce our costs on the operating system, interaction and routine.
Big Data
Startups get access to analytics that Fortune 500 professionals work with. And this is not just raw data, but also help in their application.
Usage Based
Good experts and analysts are now available to super early startups on the terms of on-demand work and resource sharing.
We will find product-market fit